Producer membership - application process

How to join

Producer membership costs US$ 0.23/MT of fishmeal and fish oil produced during the previous calendar year, with a minimum annual fee of US$ 6,600. The rate per tonne is reviewed annually by the management board to ensure costs are covered. Small producers can combine into an association to avoid individually paying the minimum fee.

To apply, you will need to complete and comply with the following:

  1. Complete the Producer application form (including IFFO's right and duties)
  2. Applicants need to provide two references from two current IFFO Producer members (including a contact person for each company)
  3. Once completed, we will review and send you the Self-Assessment and Membership Self Declaration forms, in which all applicants also accept IFFO's IFFO’s Code of Conduct. 

Requirements for IFFO’s Producer Member Applicants

A producer (a producer of fishmeal and fish oil) member applicant must provide a valid production license or operation license issued by the relevant government authority for all plants. If the production license or operation license is not in English, Spanish, or Chinese it must be translated into English by a certified translator. A producer member applicant cannot appear on any reputation risk listing (e.g. RDC).


All applicants must be able to demonstrate that their raw material comes from regulated fisheries, or from farms that are legally entitled to operate.  Vessels should be legally entitled to fish, and report their fishing activities in accordance with the rules applying in that fishery. Applicant must also be able to provide evidence of IUU prevention measures.

All factories of the applicant must have a relevant factory certification, such as MarinTrust, GMP+, FEMAS, BASC, MSC CoC (list not exhaustive).

If you want to enquire about your application or have any other questions please send an email to [email protected]