Annual Conference 2024 21–23 October - Lisbon, Portugal

Speakers Profiles

Confirmed speakers for the 2024 Annual Conference include:

Enrico Bachis

Enrico Bachis

Enrico Bachis joined IFFO in 2009 as Business and Information Manager and was then promoted to Market Research Director in 2017. He is responsible for the market intelligence produced by IFFO also representing the industry within the working group on agri-commodities of OECD-FAO. Enrico graduated from Cagliari University in Sardinia with a Political Science degree before obtaining an MSc in Financial Economics and a PhD in Industrial Economics from the University of Nottingham (UK).

Market Forum Supply - Challenges and Opportunities

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Fishmeal and fish oil supply: an overview of the global trends

Market Forum Demand - Challenges and Opportunities

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Fishmeal and fish oil demand: an overview of the global trends


Anne Mette Bæk

Anne Mette Bæk

Anne Mette is the Executive Director of European Fishmeal and Fish oil Producers (EFFOP), the international association of European fishmeal and fish oil producers. She is also the Executive Director of Marine Ingredients Denmark representing the Danish fishmeal and fish oil industry.  Anne Mette has a demonstrated history of working in the food and fishery industry. In her past, Anne Mette has been in the Danish foreign service and has solid experience with public management, political communications, and international relations.  Anne Mette is board member of several European market and fishing organisations. She was member of the IFFO Board of Directors from 2014-2021, IFFO President for the period 2020-2021 and Vice President 2018-2019.

Market Forum Supply - Challenges & Opportunities

Tuesday 22 October 2024

European fishmeal and fish oil: production insights and regulatory developments

From a European producer perspective, analyses will cover past performance and recent major developmemts, future supply expectations and development of major fish stocks; and the potential changes and impacts from the EU regulatory and political landscape.

Aldo Bernasconi

Aldo Bernasconi

Aldo Bernasconi is the VP of Data Science for the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED). His responsibilities include coordinating the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information relevant to omega-3 markets, the development of GOED’s Clinical Study Database, and scientific research on the role of omega-3 fatty acids in health. He holds a PhD in mathematics from the University of Utah.

Market Forum Demand - Challenges & Opportunities

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Omega-3 Ingredient Market: a post-El Niño update

Cheikh-Baye Braham

Cheikh-Baye Braham

I'm a research fisheries scientist with several certificates in stock assessment before obtaining a PhD in ecosystems. I have accumulated over 24 years of experience in stock assessment, data analysis, survey monitoring and ecosystem studies in the North-West African area and in Mauritania at the Institut Mauritanien de Recherches Océanographiques et des Pêches (IMROP) and as an independent consultant.

I began my career in 2000 at IMROP in the fisheries resource assessment laboratory, specializing in the development of stock assessment models. I am a member of the FAO Working Group on Stock Assessment of Pelagic Resources, of which I have been Chairman since 2019.

Between 2003 and 2018, I participated in several training courses on stock assessment model development.

I have been coordinating the small pelagic fisheries improvement project since 2016.

Market Forum Supply - Challenges and Opportunities

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Update on West African Fisheries small pelagic Fisheries

In the Northwest African zone, the heterogeneity of fleets, their mobility, and the variability of the legal frameworks in which they operate, require the implementation of a concerted and efficient management system for the exploitation of the migratory and shared small pelagic resources. In addition, offshore oil and gas exploration and exploitation, which have multiplied in recent years, may accentuate potential threats to nursery areas, spawning grounds and migratory routes of the main pelagic species exploited. Climate change, with its impact on the role and functioning of pelagic ecosystems, which are by their very nature unstable, is another threat to the dynamics of these species and their sustainability.

Philip Calder

Philip Calder

Philip Calder is Professor of Nutritional Immunology in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. He is an Internationally recognised researcher on the metabolism and functionality of fatty acids with an emphasis on the roles of omega-3 fatty acids. His research has both life course and translational perspectives. He has received many awards and prizes including the Normann Medal (German Society of Fat Science; 2009), the Ralph Holman Lifetime Achievement Award (American Oil Chemists’ Society; 2015), the European Lipid Science Award (2021), the Stephen Chang Award (American Oil Chemists’ Society; 2023) and the GOED Lifetime Achievement Award (2024). He was President of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (2009-2012), Chair of the Scientific Committee of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (2012-2016), President of the Nutrition Society (2016-2019), President of the European Branch of the International Life Sciences Institute (2019-2021) and President of the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (2019-2023). Professor Calder was Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Nutrition (2006-2013) and has served on many other Editorial Boards. He is currently Editor in Chief of Lipids and Associate Editor of Clinical Science, Journal of Nutrition and Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Professor Calder has published over 800 scientific articles excluding abstracts and is recognised as a highly cited author.

Why omega-3s are so important in regulating inflammation

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Why omega-3s are so important in regulating inflammation 

Inflammation in humans is linked to tissue damage, pathology and ill health. In this presentation the role of the n-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA and how they affect the production of inflammatory mediators will be examined. The anti-inflammatory and inflammation-resolving effects of EPA and DHA are important to both the prevention and treatment of human diseases that have an inflammatory component, with these features being important aspects of their value to human nutrition.

Jim Cannon

Jim Cannon

Jim Cannon has worked on fishery, forestry, and conservation issues with diverse communities in Asia, Europe, and the Americas for more than three decades. Jim was a pioneer in working with companies to drive change through their seafood supply chains, beginning with McDonald’s in 2002 and Walmart in 2004. In 2006, Jim founded Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) to scale-up the impact of these efforts. Today, the model for fisheries conservation that Jim and SFP created is the standard approach to seafood sustainability by seafood companies around the world. Before starting SFP, Jim edited the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)’s World Review of Marine Fisheries and headed the economics programme and policy centre at Conservation International.

Opening Session

Monday 21 October 2024

Future-proofing feed to protect nature and promote climate change resilience

Focusing on the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) efforts to expand knowledge on the climate and environmental risks of feed ingredients through its Aquaculture Feed Solutions Toolkit, establish a blueprint for ecosystem-focused shrimp production, and use finance and technology to create new models for scale and durability. 

Ragnhild Dragøy

Ragnhild Dragøy

Ragnhild has worked in Aker BioMarine since 2021 and is currently responsible for product management and sustainability for the feed ingredients. She holds a PhD in chemistry and a MBA in sustainable innovation. She has previously worked as a research director for marine biotechnology in Nofima, a Norwegian research institute, and has also worked in academia and start-ups on various biotech platforms. Ragnhild has worked extensively with science funding and commercialization, she acts as a mentor for start-ups, participates in EU and national research organization and holds board positions. She is passionate about contributing to the realization of sustainable food and feed systems for the future.

Market Forum Supply - Challenges & Opportunities

Tuesday 22 October 2024

A sustainable krill fishery – innovations and prioritizations

Providing a perspective from the krill industry, analyses will look at the current and future supply, product applications in the market and in the pipeline, and the role of certifications. Insights will also be provided on sustainable operations, with stakeholder engagment and how to initiate discussions and projects that can move the industry forward towards more sustainable operations through collaboration.

Gertjan de Koning

Gertjan de Koning

Gertjan held various positions in DSM before joining the Strategy and Acquisitions unit. In this role, he identified omega-3 as an opportunity for DSM to expand its presence in nutritional ingredients. He was in charge of the acquisitions of both Martek (algal oil) and Ocean Nutrition (fish oil), after which he became DSM’s first Vice President Nutritional Lipids. He was one of the initiators of Veramaris, before he moved on to other positions, including full responsibility of DSM’s portfolio of feed vitamins. Late 2022, Gertjan returned to the omega-3 space by stepping into the role of CEO of Veramaris. Over the last year, he guided this company from startup to being an established EPA/DHA algal oil supplier to the aquafeed, petfood and human nutrition industries.

Market Forum Supply - Challenges and Opportunities

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Algal oil: friend or foe?

To meet increasing fish oil demand, primarily driven by aquaculture, additional sources of EPA and DHA are emerging, but not to scale fast enough. Algal oil by Veramaris, is becoming a regular ingredient in aquafeed, petfood, and direct human consumption, and anaylses will be provided on possibilities, limitations, and how demand creation initiatives and blends for algal oil equally support fish oil.

Brett Glencross

Brett Glencross

Dr Brett Glencross is the Technical Director of IFFO (The Marine Ingredients Organisation) having commenced this role in June 2021. Prior to this role he was the Professor of Nutrition at the Institute of Aquaculture at the University of Stirling in Scotland. Over the past 25 years he has worked in various academic, institutional, and industrial roles across Australasia, the Middle East and Europe. Throughout his career he has worked closely with many aquaculture production (farming) and feed companies throughout each of these regions. His research achievements have delivered many industrial outcomes resulting in the development of new processes, products, and applications. For his achievements in this regard, Brett has received multiple awards and commendations from both Government and Industrial organisations. At an academic level, he was one of the former editors of the journal Aquaculture Nutrition from 2008 to 2016. He is also the current Chair of the International Scientific Committee of the International Symposium for Fish Nutrition and Feeding (ISFNF). He has also been a Director of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society (2013 - 2016), as well as undertaking leadership roles at the CSIRO in Australia and the Institute of Aquaculture. Brett has Honours and Masters Degrees in Biochemistry from the University of Western Australia and a PhD in Animal Nutrition from the University of Queensland.

Market Forum Supply - Challenges and Opportunities

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Market Forum Demand - Challenges and Opportunities

Wednesday 23 October 2024


Eduardo Goycoolea

Eduardo Goycoolea

Eduardo is one of the founders of IFFO when former IFOMA an FEO were merged, being copresident during its first year. He has then been a Board member almost all the time, including Vicepresidency in 2016-2017 and then President for the 2018-2019 period. Eduardo was the Sales & Marketing Director for the Chilean fishing companies El Golfo, and then Blumar, for more than 20 years until 2015. He has also been a Board member of several other local and international organizations around the world, including being the Executive Director of New World Currents, a five chilean salmon producing companies joint venture to sell in China, and Director and vice President of Exapesca, a Chilean fishoil producers joint venture that sold their products together. He also represented GSI, the Global Salmon Initiative, in the ASC Steering Committee that developed the new ASC Feed Standard. Currently he is vice president of IFFO and also seats in the Governing Body of MarinTrust.

Market Forum Supply - Challenges and Opportunities

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Chile: ‘Update on new fishing law process and supply of marine ingredients’

Providing an Chilean producer perspective, analyses will focus on the proposed new fishing law process, the pros and cons, and the related political challenges. An overview will also be provided on the different fisheries status, including quotas, catches, biomasses and salmon harvests, and the main challenges facing the fishing industry.

Egil Magne Haugstad

Egil Magne Haugstad

Master in Agriculture and Finance. COO/CEO of Coop´s in Norway with responsibility of agricultural machinery and flowers. CEO of Egersund Fisk from 2001, later continued in a merger as CEO in Pelagia until today.

Opening Session

Monday 21 October 2024

President’s Welcome

Market Forum Demand - Challenges and Opportunities 

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Summary and Conclusions 

Petter M. Johannessen

Petter M. Johannessen

Petter M. Johannessen has been heading IFFO The Marine Ingredients Organisation since 2018. He is passionate about seeing the contribution of marine ingredients to global food production recognised, while supporting continuous improvement and responsible practicesIFFO actively engages in and initiates collaborative efforts, considering them a cornerstone of its operations. Johannessen is notably recognised as a founding member of the Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients, alongside the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership. Prior to his current role, Johannessen held industry executive positions including Global Business Director for Risk Management and Sourcing at Cargil Aqua Nutrition, as well as serving as Supply Chain Director and Global Sourcing and Purchasing Lead at EWOS Group.

Opening Session

Monday 21 October 2024

Opening Remarks

Market Forum Demand - Challenges and Opportunities 

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Summary and Conclusions 

Carl-Emil Kjølås Johannessen

Carl-Emil Kjølås Johannessen

Carl-Emil Johannessen is currently a part of the Seafood team in the Investment Banking Division in Pareto Securities. He joined the company in 2015 as an equity analyst covering the seafood industry. Carl-Emil joined the seafood investment banking team in 2023. He has previously been involved in the salmon farming business both through a part-time job in Grieg Seafood and through the family business (Fossen AS) later sold to Lerøy Seafood Group. Carl-Emil holds an MSc in Economics and Business Administration with specialization in Finance from The Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), exchange semesters at University of Münster, in Germany and University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.

Market Forum Demand - Challenges and Opportunities

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Financing growth for the salmon farming industry

Global stagnation of salmon supply has led to increasing salmon prices and high profits for farmers, driving demand for initiatives to increase production such as land based, closed system in sea, larger smolt and offshore is seen as alternatives. These technologies need to predominately be financed with equity, which has been challenging in recent years, but more proven technologies and new projects are expected to be able to raise enough capital.

Paul Joseph

Paul Joseph

Marketing Manager to Arbee with over 5 years of solid and progressive experience in marketing and communication, mainly in Fish Meal & Fish Oil, feed, animal nutrition and Omega 3 fatty acids for the Nutraceutical/pharmaceutical industries. Heading the sales and marketing of Arbee s operations comprising a fish meal and crude fish oil unit, Arbee Aquatic Proteins Pvt Ltd in India, the Omega 3 refining units -Arbee BioMarine Extracts Pvt Ltd, India and Rbionutrix FZ LLC, U.A.E

Market Forum Supply - Challenges and Opportunities

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Indian fish meal and oil: supply, demand and market insights 

Providing an Indian producer perspective, analyses will focus on India's contribution to the global fishmeal and fish oil market, landings and species with a focus on fishing practices and gear; and annual production, exports, and domestic usage. Insights will also be provided on the India's aquafeed industry and the future of sustainable sourcing.

Walter Martinez Moreno

Walter Martinez Moreno

Business Administrator and Accountant from the University of the Pacific with over 35 years of experience in the extraction, processing, and commercialization of anchovy, jack mackerel, mackerel, squid, hake, and other hydrobiological products. Leader of a family-owned business group additionally focused on the manufacturing of nets and the development of real estate projects.

A natural entrepreneur, I have been committed to the development of the Peruvian industry from a very young age and dedicated to the growth of my employees. I am focused on contributing to my community, supporting and contributing to the Chimbote Cultural Center by participating as the president of the foundation to promote cultural education among underprivileged youth.

Market Forum Supply - Challenges and Opportunities

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Update on the Peruvian supply of marine ingredients

Providing an Peruvian producer perspective, analyses will focus on the 2024 fishing results, detailing volumes and quality of fishmeal and fish oil, an update on the current state of the Peruvian fishing industry, and exploring the important aspects such as sustainability.

Insights will also be provided on the upcoming anchovy fishing season in Peru, highlighting expectations for the next season.

Christian Meinich

Christian Meinich

Christian Meinich joined Chr. Holtermann AS, Oslo, Norway in 1987 and is today the Senior Partner of the company. Holtermann is an independent commodity brokerage house est.1916, mainly brokering raw materials for the food- feed- and technical industries. Christian is also past president of FOSFA International, London, a contract issuing and arbitral body covering 85% of the global trade in oils and fats. Christian holds a BSBA degree in Finance from University of Denver and an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Market Forum Demand - Challenges and Opportunities

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Major trends in fish oil production, consumption and trade 

Reduced fishing in Peru due to El Niño has impacted both human consumption omega-3 markets and aquafeed markets that require certified oils. Supply has normalised during 2024, enabling value chains to partly refill tight pipelines, and focus is now turning to the upcoming Peruvian season.

Carlos Mera

Carlos Mera

Carlos Mera heads Rabobank’s Agri Commodity Market Research team (ACMR) out of London. He joined Rabobank in 2015, having spent over seven years at a large physical commodity trading house. Carlos has visited over a thousand farms in several countries and is an experienced crop forecaster. Carlos holds a BSc Economics from University of Buenos Aires and a MSc Finance from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Market Forum Supply - Challenges and Opportunities

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Major trends in the agri-commodities markets

Looking at agri-commodities markets, analyses will discuss the global supply & demand and price outlook for the current season, looking at the impacts of dry weather and pests on South American grains and oilseed production, and stocks in the US remaining high but prices are likely to be depressed. Looking at soybean, global production is set to increase but Chinese demand is looking week and therefore heading for a big surplus, with biodiesel markets possibly sustaining demand, there will still likely be a glut of soymeal.

Nikos Papaioannou

Nikos Papaioannou

Nikos Papaioannou holds a degree in Animal Science from the Agricultural University of Athens and an MSc from the Institute of Aquaculture, Stirling University, Scotland.

Upon returning to Greece, he gained experience in breeding selection, animal nutrition and fish feed manufacturing. In 2008, he co-founded Irida (www.irida.com), an independent Greek nutrition company providing superior quality aquafeeds and consulting services to the Mediterranean aquaculture sector. Today, Irida is the largest fish feed producer in Greece, with annual sales exceeding 130.000 tons.

In recent years, Irida acquired Aquatic Biologicals (marine biotechnology company), Vetcare (fish health management company), and Galaxidi Marine Farms (fish producer in Greece and Spain), thereby becoming a group of companies. Today Irida is the largest fish feed producer in Greece. 

Nikos Papaioannou currently serves as Chairman of Irida Group.

Market Forum Demand - Challenges and Opportunities 

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Overview on Mediterranean aqua farming

Providing insights on aquafarming in the Mediterranean, analyses will cover key marine farmed fish species, rising supply and demand, and key markets, including increasing demand for sustainably produced food of high nutritional value. However, challenges persist, including the design and production of high quality aquafeeds, health management, and environmental impacts, with the industry enolving with certifications and marine ingredients are playing a critical role.

Robin Paxton

Robin Paxton

Robin runs a global team of reporters providing news, analysis and commentary on the business of seafood and aquaculture. An international journalist and newsroom leader, he joined IntraFish in January 2024 after nearly two decades with Reuters news agency covering commodities, corporate affairs, politics and conflict in various locations. He spent seven years in the former Soviet Union and developed a world-class, digitally enabled global news hub in the Indian city of Bangalore. He is currently based in London.

Opening Session

Monday 21 October 2024

Panel Discussion: The Role of Marine Ingredients in Feeding the World

 Antony J Prabhu Philip

Antony J Prabhu Philip

Antony J Prabhu Philip, senior scientist in nutrition and feed technology at NOFIMA, has a dual doctorate in aquaculture nutrition from Wageningen University, the Netherlands and AgroParisTech / INRA, France. His expertise are nutrition, physiology, and metabolism in salmonids in relation to fish health and welfare. He is focused in generating fundamental knowledge to enable a better understanding of the challenges in aquaculture. His research was instrumental in revising the dietary recommendations for micro-minerals specifically zinc and selenium in practical feeds for Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and gilthead seabream.

Market Forum Demand - Challenges and Opportunities

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Essentiality of the non-essentials in marine ingredients: key to fish health  

One of the major challenges in present day aquafeeds is to ensure good health and welfare, and understanding the evolutionary and physiological basis of marine organisms is key to this. With ever more challenging conditions in aquaculture, often overlooked non-essential metabolites in marine ingredients have a key role in feeds for carnivores and marine aquaculture species.

Gideon Rachman

Gideon Rachman

Gideon Rachman translates his extensive travels and his remarkable access to world leaders into an insider’s view of global events. He speaks authoritatively about politics, economics and globalisation as they apply to Asia, Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, and more.

At the FT, Gideon writes a weekly column on international politics as well as feature articles. He has reported for the FT from all over the world. Before joining the FT in 2006, he worked for The Economist for 15 years in a range of jobs, including as a foreign correspondent in Brussels, Bangkok and Washington and as business editor.

Gideon’s most recent book is ‘The Age of The Strongman: How the Cult of the Leader Threatens Democracy around the World‘ (April 2022) – this is now being translated into 14 languages.

In this book, he finds global coherence in the chaos of the new nationalism, leadership cults and hostility to liberal democracy.   His prior book was ‘Easternisation: War and Peace in the Asian Century ‘ – this illustrated how the growing wealth of Asia nations is transforming the international balance of power. The Sunday Times called it as “masterly account” and the Daily Telegraph called it “superb“. Paul Kennedy of Yale University commented – “This really is one of those works where you can say you wished our political leaders had read and pondered its great implications.”

Gideon’s earlier Zero-Sum World,  predicted the current trade war between the US and China. It was published under the title Zero-Sum Future in the US in 2011. The New York Times called it “perhaps the best one-volume account now available of the huge post-communist spread of personal freedom and economic prosperity.” The Independent called it “an important timely book that should be obligatory reading for all interested in what is happening beyond our shores.” Niall Ferguson commenting on this book hailed it as ‘’An inimitable combination of dry wit and analytical clarity’.

Gideon received the 2016 Orwell Prize for journalism, Britain’s most prestigious prize for political writing and the 2016 European Press Prize: Commentator Award. Gideon also received the Overseas Press Club of America’s 2017 Best Commentary Award for the best commentary in any medium on international news. His columns continue to cover a wide range of global issues from the economics and politics of the euro-crisis, to US foreign policy and the rise of China.

He has also written for numerous other publications, including Foreign Policy, National Interest, The Washington Quarterly and Prospect magazines. He is a regular broadcaster for — amongst others — the BBC, CNN and NPR.

Rachman is also a regular speaker before both academic and business audiences. He has spoken to the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, the Brookings Institution, the London School of Economics, Oxford and Harvard Universities and the Royal Institute of International Affairs — as well as to Goldman Sachs, Barclays, CLSA, Morgan Stanley, Omnicom, Pictet, Euroclear and many other business audiences  

Gideon is a visiting fellow at the LSE IDEAS, a foreign policy think tank. 

Opening Session

Monday 21 October 2024

Global geopolitics

The global economy is now facing a period when geopolitical tensions are overriding economic logic. Rachman will provide an overview of the challenges facing economies, from the Ukraine war, to the rise in populism in the west, and the US election, and the impacts on global trade.

Panel Discussion: The Role of Marine Ingredients in Feeding the World

Luisa Valente

Luisa Valente

Luisa M.P. Valente, Ph.D., is a biologist with over 25 years of research experience in fish nutrition and sustainable aquaculture. A Full Professor at the University of Porto's School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, she directs the Animal Science Doctoral programme and One Health Master. She is on the Directive Board of The Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), leading its Biology, Aquaculture and Seafood Quality thematic line. She is also a Member of the European Aquaculture Society (EAS). Valente has over 200 international publications and supervised more than 20 PhD theses.

Opening Session

Monday 21 October 2024

Future of Protein Ingredients: Where Science Meets Communication

Aquaculture's sustainable growth relies on identifying and producing a diverse array of protein source ingredients for aquafeeds. No perfect ingredient exists. Communication will be key to addressing these challenges going forward.

Panel Discussion: The Role of Marine Ingredients in Feeding the World

Stefania Vannuccini

Stefania Vannuccini

Stefania Vannuccini is the Senior Fishery Officer responsible for fisheries and aquaculture statistics (FishStat) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). She is also Secretary of the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP), premier international and interorganizational forum for agreeing common definitions, classifications and standards for the collection of fishery and aquaculture statistics. An economist, with specialization in statistics, she has several decades of expertise in the analysis of current and future trends of the fisheries and aquaculture sector and its contribution to food security, with several publications, articles and presentations produced. She is one of the main authors of the biannual FAO State of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA). She is also responsible for the fish projections and chapter annually included in the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook and of other outlook studies.

Market Forum Demand - Challenges and Opportunities

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Overview on latest trends in global aquaculture

Looking at the key role played by the aquaculture sector to food security and to the livelihoods of millions of people, as a creator of employment, supplier of nutritious food, generator of income and economic growth. It will provide an overview of recent and expected trends, in terms of key species and producers.

Despite constraints and challenges, more is expected from aquatic food system, and FAO's Blue Transformation outlines a roadmap to ensure that further growth is sustainable and equitable.

Einar Wathne

Einar Wathne

I am currently using my 37 years experience as specialist, leader and executive leader in aquaculture and feed industries to join projects and roles contributing to business development, strategy, innovation and sustainable development in aquaculture.

My corporate experience is in multiple leader roles in EWOS, whereof ten years as deputy CEO and three years as CEO. I also headed Cargill Global AquaFeed Business for three years as president.

I do currently chair multiple BoDs like  Nutrimar AS, NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster AS, AquaCloud AS and hold multiple BoD positions like in Bakkafrost ASA, C-feed AS, BlueLice AS. I also act as advisor for leading investment funds, start-up companies and industrial giants on the seafood sector. I hold a position as assistant professor in industrial aquaculture at NMBU.

Opening Session

Monday 21 October 2024

Future feed ingredient strategies, who are the influencers? 

Feed ingredients are now assessed not only on their traditional nutritional value and cost, but now stakeholders, including investors, politicians and NGOs, are calling for data on environment, climate, resource management, animal welfare, which feed ingredients to use, and social conditions. With the increasing need for more and new feed ingredients to feed a growing population, Wathne will discuss how these drivers influence feed ingredient strategies, and propose challenges and opportunities this could bring for the ingredient industry.

Panel Discussion: The Role of Marine Ingredients in Feeding the World

Maggie Xu

Maggie Xu

Maggie Xu joined IFFO in October 2011 as the China Manager and was promoted in October 2013 to China Director. She was previously a Trade Commissioner responsible for fish, seafood, meat and processed food and beverage products at the Embassy of Canada to the P. R. China for ten years. Maggie has a B.A. degree in English language and completed a summer school jointly given by London School of Economics and Peking University on international finance.

Market Forum Demand - Challenges and Opportunities

Wednesday 23 October 2024

China Market Update

This presentation will look back on the supply and demand situations of China’s fishmeal and fish oil market in 2023 against the backdrop of sluggish demand. Introduction on current market dynamics in 2024 and policy updates will also be included.