
PMJ“IFFO’s goal in 2021 was to continue delivering our high level of service to members while representing the industry in the global online space. We achieved this and worked hard to further improve and expand our systems and services. These include a new tailored member database, outreach campaigns on climate change, launching a global roundtable, a new webinar series, new market reports, and much more. Despite the global challenges, our membership continues to diversify and grow, and IFFO remains at the forefront of discussions on the vital  role of marine ingredients. This report gives a concise overview of our work and areas of focus going forward.”

Petter Martin Johannessen, IFFO Director General


summary 2


summary 1

summary 3

summary 5

summary 4


1. Supporting our members 4. Leading projects
2. Events & Webinars   5. Finance 
3. Outreach & Press 6. Governance 

Supporting our members

Even during the challenges that have faced our industry through the pandemic, IFFO’ s membership has grown. IFFO now has 234 members from 40 countries, a 3% increase from 2020, with 8 new Non-Producers and 6 more Producers. To further encourage responsible practices, new Producer members now have to demonstrate that their raw materials come from regulated fisheries with the correct licenses; and that their factories are certified. The members survey showed that 96% of members rate IFFO’s services as either excellent or good. 

Beyond the webinars and communications support, we support our members through a wide range of projects and services, some of which are highlighted in the following: 

Click on the icons below to explore more:

Market Coverage and Reports
Market Coverage and Reports

Market Coverage and Reports

With IFFO’s members representing 55% of the total world production and around 75% of the total annual trade worldwide; and an unrivalled international network, IFFO’s data is unique. Publishing a record 128 reports in 2021, the IFFO team further enriched our analyses and continues to be the only organisation to provide a thorough and detailed analysis of the supply and demand of marine ingredients, per country and per species. Areas of growth in market coverage include Spain and Asia, with new databases on Chinese feed and food sectors. Commentary has been added within the reports to make them more assessable and an additional Trade Report has been created to expand statistics. With a growing network, the markets team regularly collaborates with UNFAO and OECD. In 2021, the team also received more than 90 ad hoc queries, supporting both members and stakeholders. Find out more in our members area
Data systems
Data systems

Data systems

A new database was launched to improve networking and allowing members to tailor their needs on the flow of information that they receive from IFFO. As part of improving how our data is shared and controlled, IFFO also moved all the market reports to a secure system which means they remain an exclusive advantage to IFFO Members, along with an improved layout. 


The IFFO China team supports members with MARA (China Ministry of Agriculture) import license applications (to a cost that is significantly lower than from other service providers); while also contributing to the development of the new China fishmeal standard and the China Feed Ingredients Catalogue. In order to provide in-depth and up to date data on the China market, the team contributes to all IFFO market reports, while also publishing a monthly China Outlook report. Focus reports are also produced, such as a China farming species report on golden pomfret. (Read full report in our members area)


IFFO sees the SDGs as a core part of our industry’s continued sustainable development and to both demonstrate action and share best practices, we launched an interactive hub for companies to upload their actions. The SDG Hub was launched over the UN’s COP26 meeting (1st-12th November) and it now contains an impressive range of examples of how companies are both mitigating and adapting to climate change. Visit the SDG hub

Techniques used for the extraction and identification of microplastics from food, and food-related materials (including fishmeal)
Techniques used for the extraction and identification of microplastics from food, and food-related materials (including fishmeal)

Techniques used for the extraction and identification of microplastics from food, and food-related materials (including fishmeal)

To help drive discussions within the membership on this important topic, IFFO commissioned a review by the University of West Scotland to study the variety of different methods used to examine microplastic contamination of various feed and food materials. With the lack of regulations and guidance in this area and in view of the ubiquitous presence of plastics in the environment, a need to address any issues across the entire food industry, rather than on an industry-by-industry basis is suggested. Find out more in our members area



To explore new potential antioxidants for use in fishmeal, IFFO and the Peruvian Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción (ITP) have been collaborating to develop a series of lab-based tests to test new products. The project’s aim is to support the provision of further information on the potential for the use of alternative antioxidants in stabilising fishmeal. This project has become all the more important following ESFA’s recent opinion on the use of ethoxyquin and the expected decision by the European Commission by the end of 2022.   

Stakeholder Engagement: Events & Webinars 

IFFO hosted 5 webinars in 2021, ranging from 3-day events giving a 360⁰ view of the industry, to country specific standalone discussions. Our members webinars, held twice a year, had an average of 253 attendees from 31 countries with 20 presentations. The panel discussions in these webinars have helped shape and drive discussions on how markets have adapted since Covid, and the future of marine ingredients within blue food. The country webinars covered the China and Vietnamese markets, looking at local and international drivers.  

Event Quotes


Event Statistics

Webinar type

Average attendees

Average countries

Total number of presentations

Number of panels

Members (2)





Country specific (2)





InFocus (1)





Click on the icon below to find out more about the InFocus webinar series

InFocus Webinar Series
InFocus Webinar Series

InFocus Webinar Series

In December, IFFO launched a new InFocus Webinar Series, to take a deep dive into single hot topics, featuring IFFO experts and leading scientists. The first webinar explored environmental foot printing and the development of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) by Richard Newton. The aim has been to deliver premium and exclusive information to our members while increasing our outreach on key topics which are important to the reputation of the industry. Learn more

Representing the industry

Every year, IFFO represents the industry at events across the world and although we moved to a virtual environment, the number of events we participated in remained high. 

Click on the icon below to view the events that the IFFO team presented at in 2021

Events IFFO presented at:
Events IFFO presented at:

Events IFFO presented at:

  • World Ocean Summit
  • North Atlantic Seafood Forum
  • AquaNor
  • UN FAO Fish Price Index Webinar
  • Salmon FCE: Understanding Feed Efficiency
  • Reinventing the fishmeal and fish oil industry (UndercurrentNews)
  • GAIN Workshop Novel Aquafeeds
  • WUR Fish Nutrition Workshop
  • Talking with Titans; Ingredient Assessment in the 21st Century: Reaffirming the Role of Marine Ingredients
  • Waitrose Fish Feed Forum
  • Icelandic Fisheries Conference: Fish Waste For Profit
  • ISFNFInternational Symposium of Fish Nutrition and Feeding

Stakeholder Engagement: Outreach

BGQIFFO grows out of a fishmeal and fish oil industry need for collaboration, information and shared problem solving. Beyond IFFO’s efforts to facilitate cooperation and address shared commercial problems within the membership, IFFO constantly liaises with academia, regulatory bodies, governments, international organisations and industry press.


Press engagement

With over 140 press articles, IFFO’s engaging across industry media and responded to all media requests in 2021. This includes a monthly overview in both International Aquafeed Magazine and Chinese trade media FishFirst on topics such as feed formulations and palatability, Life Cycle Assessments and the future of ingredients. A monthly press release on market trends has continued to add to discussions on the industry with the latest data. Interviews have also been carried out with a range of international media to ensure our industry is correctly represented. More information can be found in our press releases, blog, industry news and clippings
Click on the icons below to explore IFFO's projects
The Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients
The Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients

The Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients

Launched by IFFO with The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership in October, the Roundtable is a  sector wide, multi-stakeholder initiative working to drive environmental and social improvements in key fisheries globally. With members from across the value chain, the Roundtable has already started building an action plan focusing on West African Fisheries and more workstreams will be launched in 2022. The Independent Chair of the Roundtable is Árni M. Mathiesen of Iceland Ocean Cluster and formerly the Assistant Director-General and Head of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department at the UN FAO. Learn more
Climate Change
Climate Change

Climate Change

The consequences of climate change are complex and far reaching for the marine ingredients industry, so IFFO combined the latest data with clear messages on how the industry is being affected, how it is adapting and its role in the blue food economy. The series of infographics detail the differences in fuel use and the carbon footprint of different species, the role of fishmeal and fish oil in aquafeed and human health; and how the industry continues to improve efficiency and reduce emissions. Learn more
By-Products calculations
By-Products calculations

By-Products calculations

IFFO has calculated that currently around 31% of the world’s marine ingredients production comes from by-product. Looking separately at fishmeal and fish oil, IFFO found that the global production of fishmeal from by-products accounts for 27%, while fish oil output from by-products represents 48% of the total fish oil production. The higher value compared to fishmeal is due mainly to the high oil yields of salmon and pangasius trimmings. Analysis also looked at the contribution provided by the different species used for direct human consumption in 2020. Species that have the most potential for growth were identified with the overall message that there remains too much waste of potential by-products. To help address this, IFFO is part of a World Economic Forum project on repurposing loss and waste. The project explores how to ensure all nutrition is efficiently and effectively captured and repurposed in economically viable and market appropriate ways, be it wild caught or farmed, with a case study based on Namibian stakeholders. Learn more
The Evolution of Sustainability metrics for marine ingredients
The Evolution of Sustainability metrics for marine ingredients

The Evolution of Sustainability metrics for marine ingredients

As the aquaculture industry has evolved over the years, so have the metrics used to measure the use of marine ingredients. By establishing relevant goals and measuring progress through clearly defined metrics, you can better demonstrate impact, effectiveness, and value. They can prove to be a powerful tool in demonstrating the use of ingredients, but they can also be misused and misunderstood so it's important to understand how they are calculated, what they cover and why. Along with the latest FIFO, eFIFO and FFDR figures, IFFO released a clear narrative showing the evolution of metrics and the move towards the more holistic Life Cycle Analysis. Learn more


Auditors’ opinion (Hillier Hopkins LLP – Chartered Accountants & Statutory Auditor): We have audited the financial statements of IFFO (2012) Limited (the 'Company') for the year ended 31 December 2021, which comprise the Statement of income and retained earnings, the Balance sheet and the related notes, including a summary of significant accounting policies. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards, including Financial Reporting Standard 102 ‘The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland' (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). “In our opinion the financial statements:

  • give a true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs as at 31 December 2021 and of its profit for the year then ended;
  • have been properly prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice; and
  • have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

Click on the icon below to view the full accounts:

IFFO 2021 Accounts
IFFO 2021 Accounts

IFFO 2021 Accounts

Statement of income and retained earnings                                                        for the year ended 31 December 2021







Gross profit



Administrative expenses



Other operating income



Operating profit



Interest receivable and similar income



Profit before tax



Tax on profit



Profit after tax



Retained earnings at the beginning of the year



Profit for the year



Retained earnings at the end of the year




Balance sheet as at 31 December 2021






Fixed assets





Tangible assets















Current assets





Debtors: amounts falling due within one year





Cash at bank and in hand










Creditors: amounts falling due within one year





Net current assets





Total assets less current liabilities





Net assets





Capital and reserves





Profit and loss account











The Board of Directors of IFFO is made up of Directors from Producer members nominated by either individual countries or regions. Each director serves a 2-year term and is then eligible for re-election.

GRQPresident: Gonzalo de Romaña

Gonzalo is the CEO of Peruvian fishmeal and fish oil producer Tecnológica de Alimentos (TASA). He has been a member of the IFFO Board of Directors since 2018.


Click on the icon below to view the whole IFFO Board:

Board of Directors for 2022-2023 term
Board of Directors for 2022-2023 term

Board of Directors for 2022-2023 term

  • Latin America: Adriana Giudice, José Miguel Tirado, Gonzalo de Romaña, Fernando Ribaudo, Walter Martinez, Felipe Zaldivar and Eduardo Goycoolea
  • Europe: Johannes Palsson, Egil Magne Haugstad, Johann Peter Andersen and Odd Eliasen
  • USA & Canada: Nick Sterrett
  • Rest of the World: Andre du Preez and Mohammed Shawkath Showry

Learn more