This year’s Annual Conference offers three condensed half day sessions, with a range of side events held in the afternoons, to provide more choice to the attendees. Those side events will focus on market access through certification (MarinTrust-hosted event), how fisheries management can contribute to improved food security (a side event hosted by the Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients), and the emerging EU regulations on mineral oil hydrocarbons in EPA and DHA omega-3 oils (GOED-hosted event).
All three side events will take place in English only (without interpretation).
More information is below.
REGISTRATION: > Spaces are limited so registration for these events will be on a first come, first served basis. |
Side event host | Event details |
Certification – more than market accessTuesday 22 October In this side event, we will demonstrate how the marine ingredient sector uses certification to enable businesses to access markets, enhance reputation, mitigate risks, and increase the availability of responsibly sourced marine ingredients. We will examine how and why certification works and when it does or doesn’t.
Speakers: - Øyvind Ilhe, CEO, Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) - Lindsay Pollock, Global Sourcing Sustainability Lead, BioMar Group - Lief Hendrikz, EMEA Market Development Manager, Global Dialogue for Seafood Traceability (GDST) - Andres Daroch (TBC) - FoodCorp Chile S.A.
This event is open to all delegates. However, note that spaces are limited.
How can fisheries management and viable value chains contribute to improved food security?Wednesday 23 October The Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients is a multistakeholder platform created in 2021, aiming at driving improvements in key fisheries globally to improve the availability of responsibly sourced marine ingredients. In this side event, a range of speakers will explore the following themes:
What underpins good fishery management and how to monitor impacts:
How can the industry contribute to improving fishery management in some key regions?
Introduction to SFP’s Feed Tool Kit, Paul Bulcock, Aquaculture Information Manager, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership
This event is open to all delegates. However, note that spaces are limited.
Analyzing the Challenges: Emerging EU regulations on mineral oil hydrocarbons in EPA and DHA omega-3 oilsWednesday 23 October The presence of mineral oil hydrocarbons in food, in particular mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH), has emerged as an area of serious concern in the European Union, and understanding impending regulations for this class of contaminants are important for the entire omega-3 supply chain. GOED has been tracking the issue and gathering data on the potential market impact for several years and has discussed the topic with many GOED members. This side event brings together various sectors of the omega-3 industry to share and discuss their learnings and progress in addressing this challenge.
This event is open to delegates who are GOED members, IFFO Producer Members or IFFO Premium Members only. However, note that spaces are limited.